Eve;The Mother Of All Living…Genesis 3 pt 14

And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.(Genesis 3:20)

Genesis three is a primal chapter of scripture. It is essential to any true understanding of the plight of man, death in the world, the nature of sin, Satan’s wiles, and most importantly,  God’s salvation.

Every detail of this foundational chapter is set in place by the Holy Spirit of God, that we might benefit by this unique revelation of why the world is as it is.

Therefore the naming of Eve, who up to this point is referred to as  “Ishah”, (the woman), is not incidental, but of signal importance to we who believe.

The significance of the naming of Eve, (literally,”Chavah”), can only be appreciated when the dreadful sentence of death is passed upon Adam in the previous verse. “Adam (dust) you are and to Adamah (dirt) you shall return!”.

Of all of the penalties pronounced upon Adam this one must have been the most awful and unthinkable. The man who had been created as God’s regent, commissioned to “subdue the earth”, and to “fill it” with his children, has now been sentenced to death, something he had no immediate understanding of.

Adam was to begin dying from the time of the pronouncement, for death is a state of being, a spiritual status, long before any physical dissolution. Death is separation, from God, from Eve, from Love, well-being and  Shalom, it is depression, despair, breakdown,  decay, disintegration, fear, illness, and finally a humiliating return to dust.

Because Adam and Eve revolted against their own creator, they must die. They are now separated from their environment and from each other as well as from their God, who was the source of their life. Everything has changed and those changes rapidly begin to manifest themselves, as we will see.

They must leave the garden of delights, the only  home they have ever known, they have forfeited it. They now know shame, fear and deep remorse, even regret. The couple must now endure the reign of death.

This is the context that is set for the naming of Eve, the mother of all  living. There are two interpretations for Adam’s act of naming her. Either it is an act of proud defiance or of humble faith. The Sons of Adam and Eve have alternated between the two options ever since.

If it was an act of defiance, Adam is saying, “we will live, in spite of your sentence, we will make a life for ourselves, we will define life on our own terms, the children of Eve will indeed live!”. Some speculate that the goddess worship of the Ancients was actually “Eve” worship.

Goddess worship often involves serpent worship as well, and the pursuit of “hidden wisdom” runs throughout the universal paganistic mystery religion. The secret knowledge Eve was looking for is still sought by the sons and daughters of Eve.

On the other hand, I believe the naming of Eve was an act of faith. True God had pronounced death upon the guilty couple ,and in doing so, upon the whole race of men, but not until after he had indirectly given them the promise of Life, through the woman.

Because of that promise , Eve will indeed be the “mother of all living” for “the seed of the woman” shall bring life! With the crushing of the serpent’s head, comes the reversal of all that the serpent has wrought, thus there shall be Life for the dead.

Thus for Adam and Eve, through faith in the promise, the last Word shall not be death and decay, but through the woman, and through the seed of the woman, Life shall again prevail.

They would indeed both die, and be returned to the dust from which they came, but in continuity with all of the seed of the woman down through the generations, they would look forward to the day Isaiah and Paul ,among others confidently proclaimed,

Your dead shall live; 
      Together with my dead body[b] they shall arise. 
      Awake and sing, you who dwell in dust; 
      For your dew is like the dew of herbs, 
      And the earth shall cast out the dead.(Isaiah 26:19)

Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.(Ephesians 5:14)

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26 Responses to Eve;The Mother Of All Living…Genesis 3 pt 14

  1. Wayne says:

    May God bless you and your family this Christmas season Pastor Bill.

  2. Evie says:

    Thank you Ps Bill for your articles. My name is a derivative of Eve and I often cry out to God to help me to spread the good news to the lost and in faith bear “spiritual Children”. Your articles have given me a greater understanding of God’s truth and have been a tremendous help to me in living for the Lord and witnessing.
    Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.

    • billrandles says:

      I never thought of that Evie, that is beautiful and fitting. You have been a constant witness to the New Life in Jesus. I hope I see you and all of my Adelaide friends should I come “down under” Deo Volente-

  3. God is giving mankind as long as possible to reverse the decision made at Eden by our primal parents.

  4. Wayne says:

    Tragically mankind is moving further and further away from God in accordance with Bible prophecy.

    Mark 13:20 And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect’s sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days. .

    I sincerely pray that the Grace of God will enable me and my family to remain faithful to his Word until the very end.

    The Wrath of God, as the consequence of the wilful disobedience leading to the wholesale apostasy bible honouring christians are witnessing with horror is something I want to avoid.

    • If man is moving away from God according to scripture does this mean man is living out a preordained fate which he has no control over.If this is correct than the philosophy of stoicism is correct which is depressing some say. This philosophy was the rage for the ancient Greeks and still is amongst Hindus today. If stoicism is correct then its up to God to ensure our lives will have a happy issue.Most people hope Calvin’s predestinationalism is false.St Paul said those He predestined He also justified and those justified He also glorified.We all hope we’re one of the lucky or so blessed ones.

  5. The wrath of God and the mercy of God kiss each other in a way that wows the angels of God.

  6. Wayne says:

    The physical consequence to sin will vary with the sin that is committed.

    However, the spiritual consequence remains the same;

    “for the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).

    The solution to the spiritual consequence of sin is also the same, no matter what the sin,

    “the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

    Salvation from our sins does not remove the physical consequences of sin. If you drank too much and developed hardening of the liver, it won’t go away. If you committed sexual sins and picked up a disease or became pregnant, those problems will remain. However, the long term problem, our separation from God and eternal life can be cured by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. In addition, learning to live life God’s way will give us the tools to handle the results of our past mistakes and to grow in grace. Living in accordance with His Word is what God ultimately requires of all of us.

    Clearly then Apostasy, even though it is just another sin, is particularly difficult because the deceived apostate is likely to remain in the apostate or deceived condition until God at the Judgement Seat informs them that they have been following a false christ who has no currency with Him in terms of eternal salvation and that their wilful disobedience to His revealed Word and “imaginative creation of “another” religion with “another “christ,” has lead them to hell.

    Avoiding this eternal catastrophe is why it is so important to faithfully adhere to His Word in all aspects of our life.

  7. Wayne says:

    The Bible clearly teaches that there can be no forgiveness without repentance.

    Nobody is less likely to repent than the person who falsely believes they are saved or in right standing with God when in fact they are apostate or caught up in unbiblical, antibiblical or superbiblical religion.

  8. Remember Luke 23;34.HE forgave His killers before they repented.

  9. Wayne says:

    More false teaching Glynn!!!!!

  10. Wayne says:

    What is your point, Glynn????????

    Are you seriously suggesting that people do not need to hear and respond to the gospel, that evangelism and Bible preaching is unnecessary for the salvation of the lost because everybody is already mysteriously saved? Does Jesus save people who have not even heard HIS name????

    Does what we believe matter at all Glynn????

  11. Wayne says:

    I have a reading list of other perverse ideologies which also need to be resisted wholeheartedly by Bible believing christians.

    The following reading material is about various perversions of the Gospel which have resulted from attempts by people to “interpret” the scriptures rather than apply basic hermeneutical principles, particularly that of consistency across the scriptures themselves, to learn what the Bible as the very Word of God Himself is actually saying.

    There is an enormous amount of material available to you if you want to acquaint yourself with the nature of the apostasy sweeping through the churches at this time in history and to help you to be part of the solution rather than the problem.

    I suggest you try googling articles such as:
    “Anointing or Apostasy = The Legacy of the Latter Rain” by Charles Graves.

    Why is Latter Rain, Dominionism, and Kingdom Now Theology False? provides a veritable minefield of information.


  12. Wayne’ Are you saying that St Luke is a deceiver?

  13. God forgave Adam and Eve before they ever repented.Jesus forgave His killers before they repented.One does not repent to get God’s forgiveness. One repents in order to change.

  14. What is falsely taught in Luke23;34?

    • Shalom43 says:

      Jesus showed us that we must have an attitude of forgiveness towards all. There is a huge difference between this and actual forgiveness based on faith in Christ and His finished work.

  15. Guy Napthine says:

    Bill, I was just hoping I might clarify things for Glynn. My understanding is that forgiveness (indeed, justification and every blessing) is based on acceptance of the atoning work of Jesus Christ.

    Repentance (seeing as Glynn mentions it) is a necessary ‘state’ in order to be forgiven by God and indeed, vital, if a person is to appreciate forgiveness. I suppose this begs the question as to whether continuing repentance (after conversion) is necessary for forgiveness. I think it is. Not necessarily for each individual sin (how many there are that we are not even be aware of!) but it is to be the disposition of a person and normal, I feel, if someone is truly a Christian. Bill, I feel so humbled by my weakness but thank God for everything. Love in Him. Guy

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  17. Wayne says:

    John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: NO man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

    What point are you trying to make Glynn?

    [The jailer] “brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house” (Acts 16:30-31)

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