The Left; The Serpent Hates The Woman…Gender

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.(Genesis 3:15)

And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.(Revelation 12:17)

We see by these texts that the Serpent of Genesis becomes a Dragon by Revelation. He is the enemy of all mankind, the original murderer and tempter, whose task is to alienate all men from God. But the Dragon/Serpent hates women in particular.

Judeo/Christian civilization has recognized the uniqueness of women. A women is elevated, by God, she is the receptacle of new life, salvation would come through the woman. She is different, uniquely made, she has weakness that make her worthy of protection and dignity, she is to be shrouded in a kind of mystery. There was a day when the Judeo/Christian world recognized this and it made us a superior civilization.

The rebellion of sexual anarchy we are seeing is an out and out rebellion against God. Women are not men. They don’t belong in combat, they bear children and are to be protected and “covered” for that reason among others. It is written, “Male and Female Created He them, in the image of God He created them…”

The devil hates women particularly, because the salvation of man would be born of a woman.

This is why false religion such as Islam is so harsh and unjust to women, using and abusing them like so many chattels.To enshroud women in the Burka in the hot climate of the Middle East is an act of suffocation. In Islamic theology all sexual sins are virtually the fault of women, and Mohammed reported that Hell was full of women and that very few women would be in paradise.

Secularism, also being satanic, is hateful of true womanhood. What is feminism but the hatred of the truly female? It is war on motherhood, nurture, love and support of men, marriage, romance and loyalty. Everything truly womanly is diminished and desecrated by progressive secularists.

The greatest modern expression of the serpent’s hatred of women would have to be abortion and its twisted twin, homosexuality. Abortion is an all out assault on the woman’s privilege to be a mother and to nurture life in the sacredness of the womb.

That this unholy sacrifice to Moloch is untouchable, even when the nation was sickened by films of “Planned Parenthood” personnel casually discussing trafficking in body parts, and the ways to remove kidney’s and livers from babies, is a testament to the deep spiritual defilement of our ruling elites. Who did they go after legally? The Neo-Nazis trafficking in body parts, as American public demanded?

No, our President granted a blasphemous”God Bless you Planned Parenthood” before sending in his Justice Department to prosecute the brave soul who brought these abominations to light.Soon there will be a horrifying day of accountability to all who participated in this or who supported this evil ruler.

Ironically this generation imagines that it has exalted the status of women, when in truth it is ruthlessly destroying it.

Perhaps the latest example of the sad debasement and even de-humanization of women comes in the appalling “transgender restroom debate”. Sexual deviants are now demanding the “right”to define their own gender, and go into the public restrooms of their own choice. Astonishingly our “leaders” are giving this appalling delusion credibility. So also is corporate America. Target stores are just one  of the many public places of merchandise which is announcing open restrooms according to “Gender preference”. Incredibly a good many middle schools are doing the same!

The hatred for women in particular that this reveals is manifold.

For example, it is estimated that there are about .03 percentage of population that identifies itself as “Transgender” , whereas more than fifty percent of the population is female. The dignity and privacy of fifty percent of the people has been given up to please the perverse confusion of  a minute fraction of the population!

Now Grandma, or grand daughter cannot even safely retreat to go to the bathroom without the prospect of either a sexual anarchist or a bona fide predator having full right to enter at will into the restroom with her.I cannot think of a more degrading circumstance for any woman.

I realize it goes both ways, but there is a vast difference between a man and a woman.To have a deranged lesbian walk into a men’s room would of course be uncomfortable to most men, but it would not be near the sense of defilement that would occur should a man walk into a women’s restroom. It just isn’t right, it is indefensible, and an assault on something sacred to men and women alike.

Most people know this, but seem paralyzed, by the Spiritual warfare unleashed upon all mankind at the moment. It is astonishing the number of people who take this change in stride, as “just the next thing we need to get used to”.This is the dismantlement of ourselves as persons. There is nothing as undignified and demeaning as having to go to the bathroom in the presence of the opposite sex!

There is much, much more to this than meets the eye. Perhaps Theodore Dalyrimple’s quote can give us some insight into what is happening here in these new , indefensible “rights” being conferred on the lowest among us at the expense of our dignity and common humanity,

In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is…in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”
― Theodore Dalrymple

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14 Responses to The Left; The Serpent Hates The Woman…Gender

  1. kathy walker says:

    Thank You,

    This is an excellent article. I pray it gets read by many. I have already forwarded it.

    Many Prayers, and Many Blessings, Kathy

  2. nanniecarole says:

    that really spoke to me. I wondered where this stuff was coming from thank you sir

  3. Another excellent article – thank you.

  4. Reblogged this on Smiffy37's Blog and commented:
    Bill Randles writes some excellent articles and echoes what many of us feel and believe , so I am taking advantage of this Re-blog facility on WordPress with his latest Blog.

  5. betty Walker says:

    Than you Bill,for your continued faithful ministry,and also for excellent
    MP 3 sermons that recently arrived and which will be shared. Betty Walker.Cornwall.England.

  6. jettiejonker says:

    Excellent article! Harriët Jonker, The Netherlands.

  7. Pingback: The Left; The Serpent Hates The Woman…Gender | A Sword on the Land

  8. Eliza says:

    Thank you so much for speaking the truth with courage and conviction. God bless you. Amen!

  9. Eliza says:

    Reblogged this on holdingforthhisword and commented:
    The evil we see unleashed upon this society has a source and a diabolical purpose. Pastor Randle shares the truth with us in this important and timely post.

  10. Wow. You have encapsulated this perfectly pat Bill. It is an outright attack on women and children. Matt and I were just saying the other day that for a woman to use a men’s toilet is not nearly the same thing as a man using a woman’s toilet. Although both situations would be uncomfortable, it is actually putting women and children in danger for men to be in their public toilets. It all just beggars belief. Post modernist relativism continues to roll on merrily its destructive path. Thanks for summing it up so well. God bless, belinda

  11. Reblogged this on Dr. Lloyd Stebbins and commented:
    This reblog is particularly powerful.

  12. Gerald&Tina Mitchell says:


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