Birth Control; Separating Sex from Fruitfulness…Gender 5

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,  And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.  Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:  Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.  For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:  And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.(Romans 1:22-27)

One of the final catalysts that launched America and perhaps the West itself into the so-called “Sexual revolution” and which has led us to the precipice of the present absolute moral confusion and sexual anarchy destroying millions of people’s lives, was the invention of the birth control pill in 1962.

I want to say at the outset that I don’t believe all birth control is wrong. There are many valid reasons why people would want to “space” the births of their children, ( if possible) or for the sake of health it would be better not to get pregnant at times. These are personal choices that people have to make before God, and none of my or anyone else’s business.

The Pill came about largely at the instigation of Margaret Sanger, the Eugenecist founder of Planned Parenthood, admirer of adolph Hitler, and the coiner of the term “birth control”.(A Brief History Of the Birth Control Pill)

Though the pill was originally illegal in eight states, within 2 years 1.5 million were on it and by 1965 6.5 million women were on the pill. In spite of serious side effects, the pill became the most common contraception used in the United States.

The role the pill played, was as “liberator” of women,(as if pregnancy is some kind of bondage). Now the fear of “getting pregnant” could be controlled, and set aside, along with the shame of pregnancy outside of marriage.

You could say that artificial birth control sets aside what God joined together, that is sexuality and potential fruitfulness.In the words of Paul, in the early sixties men and women “left the natural use (of women) into that which is against nature”.

What is a woman? She is the part of the Image of God, she has a womb, and was born to love and give nurture. A new life is vouchsafed into her womb, her breasts are to suckle the helpless and totally dependent offspring, the fruit of she and her husband’s shared love.

Is the power of her femininity given for any and every use? Are her curves given her to put into an advertisement to sell cars or toothpaste?

The leaving off, of the natural use of the female, is the very point which inevitably leads to fornication, the dissolution of marriages, and even to homosexuality and lesbianism, ending finally in the violence of abortion! According to Romans 1, it could go no other way!

Did anyone believe in 1962, that by the year 2016, we would have slaughtered more than 50 million helpless babies in the womb? If they had foreseen it, would they have been so debauched as to see it as a good thing?

Now that human sexuality  is uncoupled from the intent of God, (Be fruitful and Multiply, within the context of monogamous marriage), it is trivialized into “casual sex” or “recreational sex”, just another experience with no context or meaning.Sexual expression becomes a “right” and perverse forms of sexual expression become a literally identity, demanding civil rights!

I am not saying that the sole reason for human sexuality is the propagation of children, but that potential fruitfulness is an important component in that which God ordained in the beginning, when he said “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall leave his wife and they two shall be one flesh…”.

All of the kindling for the out of control wildfire which is the “sexual revolution” had already been set by 1962,  the loss of faith in God, the brutalizing effect of the World wars, the popularization of media and entertainment, and a feminist movement.

But it was the invention of the birth control pill that seemed to give many in the Western World the license to cast off the former restraints imposed upon men by the former Judeo/Christian ethos, and pursue “love without consequences”.

Ironically the sexual revolution actually killed love, romance and the chivalric traditions based upon the Judeo Christian belief that a woman is the weaker vessel, the bearer of life and sacred in a way, to be kept out of battles just because she is a woman.

As for children, there is no room for children in a PlayBoy magazine kind of world. Children are actually despised in amy ways in our generation, both subtly and overtly.

Birth control has become a way of life, in fact it has become an outlook. Children are seen as a a bother, they are hard work, ‘why would I bring children into this world’? We can’t afford them, or we are not ready to settle down and have children, we had a plan and will start having children at thirty…etc etc.

Millions of westerners cannot be bothered to even have children, or if they do, they strive for two, if possible a boy and a girl. Why would anyone welcome a child when they have striven so hard to avoid having them? Birthrates are dropping perilously in the western world, and in some cases, such as in Europe, they are near the point of no return.In places like Germany, Belgium and Italy , demographic death looms.

Abortion is seen as so sacred to a certain portion of the population(our ruling elite), that even when it was exposed that ghouls at Planned Parenthood had been buying and selling baby body parts for a handsome profit, the only people the Government of Obama went after were the concerned journalists who exposed it.

God Bless You Planned Parenthood, you aren’t going anywhere on my watch”, proclaimed the most ardent abortion advocate in America and  the most pro Homosexual proponent ever in American history, and also the President of the United States.

The opposite of Life is death. Children are life.Barrenness is the curse, not having children.This is why the only western people who are having children  in numbers are born again Christians and some Catholics.

Pregnancy and fruitfulness is health and blessing. When much of America embraced the ethic of artificial birth control, they not only embraced sexual libertinism, they took on an entire outlook of death, by uncoupling sexuality from fruitfulness, they opened the floodgates which included “Casual sex” recreational sex, homosexuality and other forms of perversion, all of which led to abortion on demand and the death of 50 million plus children!

Is there any way to remove the deep crimson stain from our nations? From our souls? Can we be ‘alright’ when filled with these sins? Can those who “love death” ever live? Only God can save us now, if we turn to Him! But we must be made to look clearly at our sins and confess and forsake them.



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8 Responses to Birth Control; Separating Sex from Fruitfulness…Gender 5

  1. Pingback: Birth Control; Separating Sex from Fruitfulness…Gender 5 | A Sword on the Land

  2. Janet Sangha says:

    One of the obstacles of course to couples wanting more children is the absolute aim of our political parties to have ‘every woman in full time work, for the sake of the economy’ as quoted by our leaders.
    I often wish that Christians could have somehow had their own separate financial system to avoid this compulsory lifestyle!
    My Dear Dad who was a business man, made the very wise statement when both parents began working full time, that the price of everything would of course go up double. That is exactly what has happened of course, with house prices an example.

  3. Norman Bernitz says:

    Dear Pastor Bill

    Shalom in the name of our Messiah Yeshua.

    I think you may find the following difficulty currently being experienced by our Orthodox Jewish community very constructive and inspiring – especially vis a vis your current exposition on feminism, and human sexuality. It is written by our very astute Chief Rabbi.

    We met, talked and prayed when you here in South Africa last.

    Keep up the inspiring and insghtful teaching.


    Dr Norman Bernitz

    On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 3:09 PM, Pastor Bill Randles Blog wrote:

    > billrandles posted: “Professing themselves to be wise, they became > fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made > like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping > things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness thro” >

  4. Rosie Higgs says:

    Hallo Pastor Bill, this is a headline from a newspaper in the UK, they then went on to murder the life that they had ‘created’ 13 days later. Hideous.

    Researchers break record for keeping lab-grown human embryos alive

    There is so much need for IVF treatment and yet one of the very things that causes infertility, abortion, increases day by day. What terrible times we live in as warned of by the Lord. Thank you for your blogs. Rosie Higgs

  5. Dan Warnert says:

    Women on the pill are treating themselves to a class 1 carcinogen daily

  6. Tracy T says:

    The Catholic Church has been preaching against artificial birth control for 2,000 years, and didn’t change its teaching when most Protestant denominations did with the Lambeth Conference (1930) and the Committee on Home and Marriage of the Federal Council of Churches (1931).

  7. 1soyfelipe1 says:

    Some good thoughts Bill.
    We raised ten children with single income. Homeschooled all. Definitely wasn’t easy but no regrets. Mat. 6:33

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